What a… year it has been! 2020 has given us a lot of stress (and all its trimmings), isolation, home teaching qualifications and maybe big loyalty card points at the local bottle shops. It could potentially trump the recently replaced US president (yes, I know) in a popularity contest. But it also brought us a bit of a reality check regarding things that we all can take for granted – time to ourselves, a perspective on work life balance and a chance to appreciate the importance of life balance and contact with others. We are social creatures, require contact with the outside world and regular activity in it. Wow – got a little deep there… how about those side splitting memes?!
Now it’s time for THIS part of the year (yay!) and, hopefully, the foreseeable future is looking a lot better. We are grateful to all of you who have chosen us to be part of your healthcare team and to those who have shared this with others, thank you very much!
And, let’s not overlook, how about us now becoming housemates with Indigo Soul! What a great move! A BIG thank you to Ali, Emily and the Indigo crew for being so welcoming and fun to work with.
I thought I would write a bit of advice for the holiday season so I’d like to include a quote that I wish I had thought to pen:
“First Move Well and Then Move Often” – Gray Cook MSPT
It sounds straight forward and, really, it is. Moving well and moving often go hand in hand and are so important to our physical and mental wellbeing. Many of us invested the time to get out and exercise during isolation just to keep sane and get out of the house – don’t lose the momentum. You need it and the rewards are massive.
In 20 plus years of getting bodies moving, this can be chunked down to a few key points:
1.POSTURE: Good posture reduces wear and tear on joints and relieves stress, improving your health and enhancing your appearance. Straighten your back, lift your chest, roll your shoulders back and rotate your pelvis so that your stomach and butt are tucked in. Practicing this regularly will help improve your posture.
2. GET MOVING: 90% of the stimulation and nutrition to the brain is generated by the movement of the spine. Just as our brains send electrical impulses communicate with and power our parts, our parts send feedback impulses which, in turn, stimulate our brains. Our bodies want to move well – it’s efficient and stronger this way. Regular exercise, stretching and the ability to move well is vital. Daily exercise is the key. Walking, running, swimming, yoga, gym, sports, gardening etc – do what you enjoy!
3. Got pain/discomfort/stiffness? Don’t ignore it! Uncorrected short term problems can become bigger, more complicated problems.
We are here to help and, if necessary, we will happily refer you to the appropriate modality if we can’t.
There is a lot more to be said about this. I could go on for pages.
BUT, this is where we want to wish you a VERY Merry Christmas, a safe and happy end to 2020 and a wonderful start to 2021 (c’mon 2021! You can do it!). A very big thank you to all of you and our community and look out for each other – random acts of kindness cost nothing but pay loads.
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