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  • Chiropractic Care and Knee Injuries

    Chiropractic care can offer many benefits for individuals recovering from knee injuries, especially those sustained during sport. While chiropractic is commonly understood to benefit spinal issues, it can be effective for almost any musculoskeletal complaint,  including the knees. Pain Relief Chiropractors can use various techniques such as spinal adjustments and soft tissue therapy to help

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  • Should you exercise while pregnant?

    This is a conversation that we often have with our patients when they find out they are pregnant! Physical activity guidelines recommend at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise each week, and two strength activities per week. Concerned about exercising? It’s perfectly safe in a normal pregnancy according to current evidence. Exercise should be

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  • Do I Need X-rays?

    As chiropractors, we get asked a lot of questions but this one seems to pop up a lot. Do I need to have x-rays of my spine?  Patients often wonder if they should have x-rays, when to have them, why to have them, what benefit do they get out of it. While a simple question, the

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  • Lateral Epicondylitis (AKA Tennis Elbow)

    Lateral epicondylitis (AKA tennis elbow) is a well-known musculoskeletal injury occurring in tennis players, tradies, painters and other racquet sports. To understand why it happens, we need to understand the anatomy: When looking at the elbow joint, there are three bones; the humerus, radius and ulna. At the distal end of the humerus, there are

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