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    Our kids need nourishing foods to ensure all the essential nutrients are met for optimal growth and development. Showing kids the right food choices sets them up for better learning, good memory and concentration. Teaching them about what foods to enjoy encourages them to eat the right foods and ultimately gives them better food choices

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    Scoliosis is a condition that can affect people of all ages and backgrounds. Whether you are a child, teenager or adult, scoliosis can impact your physical health, emotional well-being and overall quality of life. There are two different types of scoliosis. Any curve in your spine which is to the side is considered a scoliotic

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    According to the Australian chiropractic Association, tradies account for the highest percentage of serious muscloskeletal disorder (MSD) claims. Majority of serious MSD claims around 63% are due to body stressing. This occurs when muscles, tendons, ligaments or bones are placed under stress. 73% of body stress claims are as a result of lifting, carrying, putting

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    JUST 3 DAYS TO GO until #SpinalHealthWeek 2023 arrives! This year’s theme is ‘Headaches Holding You Back? Consult a Chiro.’  Together let’s tackle headaches head-on by treating them at the source with chiropractic care. www.consultachiro.org.au #SpinalHealthWeek #Headaches #ConsultAChiro

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