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  • How long should we be stretching for?

    We all know we should be stretching often for the health of our musculoskeletal system, but how long are we supposed to stretch for? When discussing holding a static stretch (moving into a gentle stretch and holding the position), it is first important to understand when is the ideal time for this type of stretch.

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  • Gut health: Can you influence your gut microbiome?

    The short answer is yes! With gut health issues, many people experience symptoms of brain fog, fatigue, anxiety, abdominal pain, poor immune health, food intolerance and more! The gut microbiome is made up of trillions of microbes (bacteria) working in your digestive system. This can be influenced through what you eat, stress, medication, viruses, and

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  • Dislocated Joints: What are they, How can I manage them?

    Dislocated joints occur when the bones in the joint are forced out of their normal position, causing pain, swelling and limited movement. This is a serious condition that requires urgent medical attention to safely and effectively restore the join to its proper alignment. Acute dislocations require immediate medical intervention to assess the severity of the

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  • Chiropractic Care and Knee Injuries

    Chiropractic care can offer many benefits for individuals recovering from knee injuries, especially those sustained during sport. While chiropractic is commonly understood to benefit spinal issues, it can be effective for almost any musculoskeletal complaint,  including the knees. Pain Relief Chiropractors can use various techniques such as spinal adjustments and soft tissue therapy to help

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