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  • Put A Spring In Your Step

    Put A Spring In Your Step

    With each season change there is a new opportunity to refresh your mind with new goals and habits. One great habit to introduce this spring is walking! Walking is a highly beneficial, low impact exercise that anyone can add into their daily routine. Some of the many benefits include: increasing cardiovascular fitness increasing muscle strength

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  • The benefits of swimming.

    The summer heat tends to keep people indoors with the air conditioning blasting and fans on high cooling them off. While summertime brings longer days, a little more leisure time and often vacations, it can also put a wrench in your usual exercise routine. Walking and running are great cardio workouts, but unless you can

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  • Time to start living better

    Time to start living better

    The population is living longer, so let’s live better. Over a quarter of Australians are being forced into early retirement because of back or arthritic pain. Chronic back pain is one of the top three causes of disability in Australia. Postural fitness can prevent problems that may occur in your muscles, joints and ligaments, and

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