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Chiropractic Treatment

Most people know that the majority of chiropractic treatments are made up of gentle spinal “adjustments” or “manipulations”. Through these adjustments, soft tissue techniques and rehabilitative advice chiropractors can improve your body’s musculoskeletal function, movement and posture.

What Is a Spinal Adjustment?

When a chiropractor performs a spinal adjustment on a patient, he or she is applying a small but specific degree of force to one of the spinal, pelvic or limb  joints. These little adjustments are meticulously planned and controlled to deliver the desired response. That response is the improved mobility of the vertebrae and other structures in the spine.

Over time—whether due to bad posture, poor sleeping position, hours of sitting at work or a sporting injury—a person’s musculoskeletal system can lose strength, stability, and mobility. This, and the effect it can have on the nervous system, can impair the body’s ability to function correctly.. It may not be limited to discomfort and pain.

Chiropractic treatment aims to restore mobility to a joint, often creating a cavitation of gas within the joint cavity. This produces the popping sound and is simply a by product of the joint release. This restoration of mobility contributes to a release in tension and relieves the  feeling of discomfort and pain.

Baby doing yoga exercises. Downward Facing Dog pose. Adho Mukha Svanasana

What Are the Benefits of Chiropractic Treatment?

The benefits of chiropractic treatment can vary depending on your injury or source of pain. For instance, if you are suffering from sciatica or some other “pinched” nerve issue, chiropractic management (treatment and advice) can assist to optimise recovery, thereby providing partial or complete pain relief. A course of chiropractic care is usually recommended to enable lasting correction and rehabilitation.

Chiropractic management,  including treatment and advice regarding posture and exercise, has a long list of benefits including:

    • Back pain
    • Neck and shoulder pain
    • Headaches
    • Sciatica and referred pain
    • Recovery and rehabilitation of athletic injury
    • Posture and mobility
    • Assisting in the management of scoliosis
    • Limb pain in the joints and soft tissue

The way these issues can affect our health can vary for an individual. Be they a child, adult or elderly person.

Whether your concern be pain from a joint, muscle or nerve injury, or a minor discomfort, it is worth enquiring as to how chiropractic care and advice may assist you to feel better and move better.


How Often Do I Need a Chiropractic Check-up?

At Yeronga Chiropractic & Wellness Centre, our first-time patients often ask us two different questions. The first is  “Is chiropractic care effective?”. The second is ‘How often do I need treatment?’

The first is fairly cut and dry – If your problem is related to the function of your spine and musculoskeletal system, then yes, it sounds like it could be.

Needless to say, the second question is more complex to answer. It varies from person to person and, problem to problem. What is required is a thorough history and examination to identify the cause and extent of your presenting complaint and, if appropriate, proceed with a trial of care to indicate whether satisfactory recovery will be achieved.

If you are seeking assistance with a musculoskeletal injury, back pain, neck pain, headaches, nerve or limb pain you should schedule an appointment at Yeronga Chiropractic. Addressing problems early will help you find the pain relief you deserve and could protect your body from further damage. After your first appointment, our chiropractor, Dr Aidan McGuigan, will advise you on what to do next.

Managing a problem back to recovery is often a process. Initially, adequate care may require appointments scheduled at a higher frequency. As recovery progresses, care should involve less frequent appointments with proactive advice for you to continue with. At any stage your care will be discussed with you with a rationale as to “why”. Your care provider will always seek your agreement before going forward with recommendations.

If this is what you are looking for, call Yeronga Chiropractic today to schedule your appointment. You can reach us on (07) 3892 1440.