Festive Cheer

The festive season is here. It truly is a fun time of year with lots of social events and much loved
preparation. With the mad rush to be organised, we tend to neglect our own physical, mental and
emotional health. Perhaps it’s time to make yourself a priority this Christmas. Forget the people-
pleasing and reduce the festive season fatigue by following these simple ideas. Set yourself up for a
much more relaxing, joy-filled and personally nourishing holiday experience.


Plan meals in advance and focus on balanced and nutritious options. Set limits on the amount you
consume and stick to it. Choose your indulgences wisely and savour them rather than mindlessly
eating. Stand away from the snacks to avoid mindless handfuls. Eat slowly so you notice when you
are feeling full. Think about portions! Choose a small plate or smaller amounts of food.


Set yourself a limit on the amount of alcohol you consume. Be mindful how alcohol affects your
body and mood. Pace yourself and stay hydrated. Choose an alcohol beverage every second drink. It
will help reduce a sore head next day and your liver will thank you!


Choosing to keep to your usual self-care routine, is a boundary that shouldn’t need justification at
Christmas. Stay committed to your daily routine like regular exercise, stress management practices,
morning and night time routines, supplements and your diet. These are all things that you shouldn’t
neglect or feel bad about doing. Remember choose what is best for you.


Family gatherings at Christmas can sometimes be a challenge. Understand that not every interaction
will be perfect. Manage your expectations and be forgiving of yourself and others. It’s okay to
decline invitations or activities that you’re not comfortable with. Spend time with people who
support your well-being and respect your boundaries. Seek out positive and uplifting relationships
during the holiday season.

The holidays are a time for joy and connection. Taking care of yourself allows you to fully enjoy the
festive season. Don’t be afraid to advocate for your needs and prioritise your well-being during the
Christmas and New year festivities.

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