Should you exercise while pregnant?

This is a conversation that we often have with our patients when they find out they are pregnant!

Physical activity guidelines recommend at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise each week, and two strength activities per week.

Concerned about exercising? It’s perfectly safe in a normal pregnancy according to current evidence. Exercise should be moderated to your ability, comfort and stage of your pregnancy. If you aren’t active, start gradually. If you’re already active, keep going, moderately!

Why should you exercise?

Evidence has shown throughout pregnancy it will help to:

  • Control weight gain
  • Reduce high blood pressure problems
  • Prevention of gestational diabetes
  • Improve fitness, sleep and mood!


There are many ways to get moving! Here are some of our favorites:

  • Out and about: go for a swim, walk or bike ride
  • Social activity: walk with friends, kick or throw a ball or join a Pilates class
  • Leisure: dancing, jogging, playing with kids

If you are experiencing back pain or problems with your mobility consult a chiro today. We’ll get you moving well again!

Call (07)38921440 or book online! 


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